
Adult Literacy Services in Hamilton

Click here for videos about academic upgrading programs and about getting your Grade 12 diploma or equivalent.

Have a question?  Connect with us today!
Phone: 905-527-2222
Text: 289-275-1685

Appointments are needed to visit any program.  Programs are being offered in-person and online – depending on the provider.  Connect with us for more information.

Are you a community partner or employer?
Seeking an upgrading partner for a project or program?  Review the Partnerships with Literacy and Basic Skills – A Community Partner Information Kit

There are a variety of adult literacy services in Hamilton. The agencies that provide these services are

We can help you choose a program that is right for you. Call 905-527-2222 for more information.

New Programs/Updates

If you’re interested in learning about new programs or updates to existing programs – sign up for our newsletter.

Governement of Canada
Employment Ontario
Government of Ontario
This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.