Our History, Mission & Volunteering

Board of Directors

We are a Governance Board with Directors who bring different skill sets to the ABEA and work collaboratively to lead this agency. Under governance, no individual Director responds to requests or acts without board discussion, direction and support. The ABEA has policies in place to ensure your ideas, input or concerns are addressed. Our Board can be reached by sending letters or emails to the Executive Director of ABEA.

At times, we have board vacancies. Our board will recruit members based on individual skill sets and experiences needed at that time.

Our Annual General Meeting is held each June.  This is the start of the Board year.

Board recruitment happens in the spring each year.  For more information about the Board of Directors, openings or our policies, please contact the Executive Director, Sara Gill.


The Adult Basic Education Association (ABEA) is a non-profit, charitable organization.

We are the adult learning network in Hamilton.  We

  • help people, programs and businesses with educational pathway planning
  • offer Clear Writing training and consulting
  • work with employers to offer workplace education services
  • support local adult upgrading programs with planning and service coordination
  • support adult upgrading programs across the province through the Learning Networks of Ontario

ABEA began in 1983.  We were incorporated as a charitable organization in 1986.

Our Mission

People in Hamilton will have a better quality of life through lifelong learning.

Our Moral Ownership (who we serve)

We support adults through lifelong learning to reach their goals. We support community partners to provide and coordinate services that support lifelong learning.

Our Values

  • Service – We exist to support and serve adults in our community and community partners.
  • Integrity – We do what we say we’re going to do. We are trustworthy with people’s personal information. We are accountable to individuals and community partners.
  • Communication – We are committed to communication that is clear, accessible, responsive and timely to the needs of the audience.
  • Collaboration and Partnership – We develop and maintain community partnerships in Hamilton and across the province to further the mission and Ends of the organization.
  • Leadership – ABEA is a leader in advocacy for lifelong learning in our community and across the province.
  • Teamwork – We support one another to reach our individual, organizational and community goals.

Our Mega Ends (what we want to achieve and for whom)

Access to Information and Supports

  1. Information about adult education programs and services will be complete, current and accessible.
  2. We’ll support individuals to plan and connect to the supports and services that they need to reach their goals.

Community Benefits and Partnerships

  1. We provide the community with an objective support network for educational planning.
  2. Partnerships will support lifelong learning.

Moral Ownership Support

  1. Individuals will be encouraged and supported to achieve their goals through pathway planning, coaching, mentorship and guidance.
  2. Community partners will be supported through collaboration, service coordination and professional development.


  1. The public will be connected to lifelong learning opportunities.
  2. Opportunities for positive change will be identified and explored.
  3. Gaps in service will be identified and addressed.
Governement of Canada
Employment Ontario
Government of Ontario
This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.