Need Help Finding a Program or Pathway Planning?

We can help you with pathway planning.  We offer free information and referrals to community programs.

We can give you information about

  • academic upgrading programs (to prepare for employment, further education/training or independence)
  • high school credit programs
  • GED testing and preparation (Grade 12 equivalency exam)
  • computer courses
  • post-secondary
  • apprenticeship

Connect with us today!

Phone: 905-527-2222 (office)
Text: 289-275-1685

Ever wonder what academic upgrading programs can do for you?  Watch this video to find out!

Check out this video for information about upgrading, Grade 12, GED and Academic and Career Entrance at the college.

There are new programs available. Call us for information!

You can reach us by

Phone: 905-527-2222
In Person (by appointment): Hamilton Public Library – Central Branch, 55 York Blvd., 4th Floor, Hamilton, ON L8R 3K1

Governement of Canada
Employment Ontario
Government of Ontario
This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.