ABEA is the adult learning network in Hamilton. We can help you build an educational pathway plan that’s right for you.
We work with you to
- explore your education and training options – this can be for things like skills upgrading, high school credits, training, apprenticeship, post-secondary and employment
- make sure that your plan is right for you and your goals
- identify your strengths and any upgrading needs
- connect with the programs and services you need
- determine if you’re eligible for training funding
This service is available
- by phone or text
- in-person
- online
- at community partner locations
Connect with us today!
Call 905-527-2222
Text 289-275-1685
Email pathways@abea.on.ca
For Practitioners
Refer a client
Do you have clients considering an application to Better Jobs Ontario? This is a funding program for training less than 52 weeks. Our educational planning services are great to explore training options, skills needed for training and employment information. This information will help clients prepare for and complete the application.
Educational Planning – Discussion
This is an in-depth discussion. We’ll ask the client about their goals, education history and preferences. We’ll suggest some starting points or put together a full educational action, whatever is the most helpful for them.
Educational Planning – Skills Check-in
This can be done 1:1 or in a group format. It starts with a background interview. Then the client will meet with us to complete task activities related to their goal.
We work with the client to prepare a report that
- identifies skills levels in reading, writing, math and digital technology
- includes an employment profile specific to the client’s goal (if applicable)
- has a summary of upgrading needs for their goal (if any)
- includes a detailed Educational Action Plan to reach education, training, and employment goals
This is great for people who
- want to upgrade their skills or are unsure of their skills
- get into training, apprenticeship or post-secondary programs
- have been out of school for many years (including those with Grade 12)
- need to complete their Grade 12 diploma or equivalent
- need prerequisite courses for a training, apprenticeship or post-secondary program
Educational Planning – Learning Challenges
Some people identify that they have challenges when it comes to learning. The learning challenges service includes specific activities for us to discuss possible learning strengths and challenge areas.
We work with the client to prepare a report that
- identifies strength and challenge areas related to language processing
- identifies skills levels in reading, writing, math and digital technology
- includes an employment profile specific to the client’s goal (if applicable)
- has a summary of upgrading needs for their goal (if any)
- includes a detailed Educational Action Plan to reach education, training, and employment goals
- includes learning strategies for the classroom
This is great for people who
- have significant difficulties with reading, writing, or math skills (reported or are observed as struggling with such tasks as instructions, forms, reading materials, etc.)
- has previously been diagnosed with a learning disability
- self-reports that they have learning challenges and want to explore this further
GED (General Educational Development) Pre-Test
The pre-test
- identifies areas of skill gaps (if any) for all 5 GED subject areas
- includes recommendations to clients pass the GED successfully
- includes some upgrading materials and registration information as needed
A pre-test could be great for people who
- need a Grade 12 equivalent to reach their goals
- are 18+ and have been out of school for at least one year (eligibility for the GED)
- are comfortable reading various materials, writing essays, and can perform basic math operations and work with decimals, fractions, algebra and geometry (if your client isn’t comfortable with all of these skills, a skills check-in is recommended)
ABEA is a recognized by the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) as a GED preparation centre. For more GED test details including registration packages and test dates visit ilc.org.
Assessment Referral Process – for agencies
To refer a client please complete the online referral form.
If you’re unsure of the service your client needs, no problem. Just select “ABEA to select after client screening.”
Once we get the referral we’ll connect with the client, book appointment times and provide the service appropriate for the client. We’ll keep you up-to-date on our progress. We’ll also send you a report when it’s ready.
If you don’t get a response from your referral in 2 business days, please connect with us to make sure we received it.
Once the client is booked, ABEA will
- give the client a reminder call the day before the appointment
- confirm the client’s attendance after the appointment time
- forward the report when it’s completed
Note – To benefit from our services, clients who speak English as a second or additional language should be at a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 6 or higher in speaking and listening skills. This testing should have been completed in the last 12 months. This is to ensure that the client can communicate clearly through the interview process. If the client doesn’t have a current CLB test, please connect with YMCA New to Canada Services.